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Counseling Information

Hi! I am practicing in-person professional counseling sessions, supervised by Lori Vann, MA, LPC-S. I am a trauma-informed counselor and trained in EMDR. I work with depression, anxiety, trauma, life direction and purpose and I specialize in helping people recover and discover their true Identity. 

Counseling or Life Coaching?

The main difference between counseling and coaching is what I call directional focus. Directional focus refers to whether the main focus is future-facing or a slowing down to look at what lies behind. Counseling is typically more focused on what has been occurring and how it has become a part of your life; in other words, looking closely at what lies behind. Counseling is more foundational work. Some examples of outcomes for counseling might be restoring emotional equilibrium, reducing anxiety, support for moving through depression, increasing connection, understanding what got you where you are and equipping you with new ways to move into more wholeness, healing and hope. 

Life Coaching is more future focused. Life Coaching is for a person who is functioning well in their life and desires to reach new goals, move through a 'stuck period,' enrich their relationship with themselves and others, sees a future vision they want to achieve, or hears a call for more in their life.

Outcomes of coaching or counseling may appear similar; the way you arrive at the outcome will be different.


Interested in Counseling?

Using my contact form below, please request a counseling consultation. My office is in the Dallas, TX area, about 10 minutes from DFW International airport. I prefer in-person sessions whenever possible for counseling. Appointments are typically one hour; other options are available for those that travel. 

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