Has your day been full of decisions? Do you run into 'decision fatigue?' Does decision making energize or exhaust you?

The decisions we make constitute the quality of our lives.
Some people have a decision-making gift. It is part of their DNA. If they make a decision that doesn't turn out as hoped, they simply make another decision. These folks do not feel the weight or pressure of "What if it's the wrong decision?" or "What if I don't like the result?" If this describes you, please recognize this is a gift and talent you have been given. Not everyone has this gift.
Have you ever heard the term "decision fatigue?" It describes an emotional state reached when the ability to weigh options, consider outcomes and face the finality of a decision is depleted.
Imagine a jar full of colorful candy. Each piece of candy represents a decision you will make during the day. The number of pieces of candy in the jar equals the number of decisions you can make. Every decision - from "Do I hit the snooze button?" "Do I brush my teeth next?" "Which white shirt do I wear?" "What do I feed my kiddos for breakfast?" to "Do we put the house on the market?" "Do I start looking for a new job?" "Which bill do I leave unpaid?" costs a decision piece of candy. Each decision made is a piece of candy removed from jar. As decisions are made and the number of candies diminish, so does your decision making capacity.
Awareness of how many candies are in your decision-making jar is key to helping you be successful in the decisions you face each day.
For example:
Did you ever wake up, full of commitment to that new diet?
Only to find at 4:00pm you can no longer say "No" to those brownies? Your decision making power was reduced, like candies in the jar.
Or maybe you come home from the gym at 6pm, fired up, have a salad and create a plan for the next day. But when you wake up in the morning, the fire of the night before has turned into cold ashes.
Some people's jar is full when they wake up; some wake up with an empty jar but it is filled up as the day progresses. Which type are you?
Decision making Strategy: Make your most important decisions when your jar is full.
Journal prompt: What time of day am I most decisive?
I'd love to hear your what you learn about your self!
Remember: You are amazing!
Dee Ann